The PSM-500L is the ultimate L-Band modem. Datum Systems designed this latest low cost modem specifically for small low cost VSAT type earth stations. It matches the performance and features of the PSM-500, but connects directly to the L-Band input of a BUC and output of an LNB to eliminate the normal expensive transmit and receive converter equipment. This modem uses all of Datum Systems proprietary design technology implementations to achieve the best performance and reliability in the industry. The PSM-500L is the best modem value available.
The PSM-500L contains an internal 10 MHz reference for an LNB and BUC, which may be individually enabled or disabled as required. It uses internal power for standard LNB (13 or 18 Vdc up to 500 mA), and a supplied external power source that plugs into the unit rear panel for various BUC power requirements. The standard supplied BUC power supply is 24 Vdc (up to 4 A). Additional external power options include 12 or 48 Vdc. The optional internal ±1 x 10-8 high stability, low phase noise OCXO and Bias-T circuitry insures good BUC performance.
- Designed for Performance and Reliability
- Data rates of 1.2 kbps to 29.52 MHz
- Low Cost High Performance Turbo Products Codes
- Super Performance LDPC
- Firmware Upgradeable to 8PSK/TCM, 8QAM and 16QAM Modulation modes
- Performance within 0.3 dB of Theoretical
- Bridge or Router Ethernet IP Interface
- DSP for fast acquisition of 315 ms at 9.6 kbps QPSK, 71 ms at 64 kbps QPSK
- Compatibility with other modem manufacturers
- Asynchronous Overhead Channel and AUPC standard on all units
- Built-in 1:1 Redundancy