2083-0372 Dual Translator - Consists of two converters (inverted spectrums) each of which convert a 370 ± 150 MHz signal to a 720 ± 150 MHz (LO =1.09 GHz). The two 370 ± 150 MHz inputs are filtered and then mixed with a 1.09 GHz synthesized local oscillator (LO) signal to 720 ± 150 MHz. The mixer output is applied to the output filters and amplifier. The converters have a nominal gain of 0±2 dB. All connectors are 75 ohm BNC female. Front panel LEDs light when DC power is applied (green), a PLL alarm occurs (red), the unit detects presence of EXT input (yellow). The 2083-0372 is powered by a 100-240 ± 10% VAC power supply and housed in a 1.75” X 19” X 16” 1RU chassis.
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