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NetModem II
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  NetModem II+
The iDirect NetModem II Plus Broadband Router is the first product designed from the ground up to deliver IP communications via satellite - quickly, easily and cost effectively. Our end-to-end technology gives you bi-directional broadband connections that grow with your company.

The NetModem II Plus is a compact, self-contained terminal that integrates all your required hardware and software. It offers the highest bi-directional data rates available in the industry today - up to 11.2Mbps downstream and 5.75 Mbps upstream. Adding locations, increasing capacity and customizing your configuration can be accomplished quickly and easily.

  Installations of the NetModem II Plus generally take less than four hours. All that is required at the site is electricity for the indoor unit and rooftop access for the antenna. The iDirect Technologies solution is so advanced that remote sites do not even require an exterior electrical power supply. And, all that is needed to integrate the system with the on-site LAN is a standard Ethernet 10/100 Mbps LAN interface.
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