Frequency Converters
update info 2015/2016/2017 REQUEST
2015-02 - Upconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 70 MHz to 950
- 2150 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
Options available include SSPB voltage, high
stability (±0.01 ppm), and a variety of connector
and impedance options. |
2015-03 - Upconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 70 MHz to 950
- 1525 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
Options available include SSPB voltage, high
stability (±0.01 ppm), and a variety of connector
and impedance options. |
2015-04 - Upconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 140 MHz to 950
- 2150 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
Options available include SSPB voltage, high
stability (±0.01 ppm), and a variety of connector
and impedance options. |
2015-05 - Upconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 140 MHz to 950
- 1525 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
Options available include SSPB voltage, high
stability (±0.01 ppm), and a variety of connector
and impedance options. |
2015-12 - Upconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 140 MHz to 950
- 1525 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Includes high stability
option (±0.01 ppm). Powered by a 90-260 VAC power
supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2015-25 - Upconverter, Agile, 2.2-2.5 GHz
Converts 140 MHz to
2200 - 2500 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a
90-260 VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU
chassis. |
2015-27 - Upconverter, Agile, 2.5-2.7 GHz
Converts 140 MHz to
2500 - 2700 MHz. Powered by a 90-260 VAC power
supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2015-125 S-band
Upconverter is 1 RU, Agile IF to S-band
frequency converters designed for the satellite,
telemetry, and wireless mobile services
2083 - IF-IF Translators
Converts a 70 or 140 MHz
to 140 or 70 MHz. Powered by a 90-260 VAC power
supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2086-135 - Upconverter, Fixed, 1.35 GHz
Converts 70 MHz to 1350
MHz. Powered by a 120 VAC wall mount power supply
and housed in a bench-top chassis. Options
available include rack mounting. |
2088-24 - Upconverter, Agile, 2.0-2.4 GHz
Converts 70 MHz to 2000 -
2400 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260 VAC
power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
L to C-band Upconverter is 1 RU L-band to
C-band Block frequency converters designed to
interconnect L-band Modems with C-band satellite
5088 Series - Upconverters, Agile, 5-6 GHz Series
Convert IF frequencies to
5 GHz. Powered by a 90-260 VAC power supply and
housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2015-52 -
Upconverter, 5.2-5.3 GHz, 140 MHz IF
Converts 140 MHz to
5200 - 5300 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a
90-260 VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU
chassis. |
2015-59 -
Upconverter, 5.85-6.425 GHz
Converts 70 MHz to 5850
- 6425 MHz in 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz or 125kHz steps
(selectable). Includes high stability feature
(±0.01 ppm). Powered by a 90-260 VAC power supply
and housed in a 1RU chassis |
2015-75 IF to 250-750 MHz RF frequency
offer an agile, RF frequency range of 250 to 750
MHz. All other specifications and available
options remain the same as the standard 2015/2016
series frequency converters |
- Upconverter, 13.75-14.75 GHz
Converts 70 MHz to 2.0
- 2.5 GHz in 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz or 125kHz steps
(selectable). Includes high stability feature
(±0.01 ppm). Powered by a 90-260 VAC power supply
and housed in a 1RU chassis |
- Upconverter, Fixed Frequency, 950-1750
Converts 70 MHz to 950 - 1750
MHz. Powered by a 120 VAC wall mount power supply
and housed in a bench-top chassis. Options
available include rack mounting |
2016-02 - Downconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 950 - 2150 MHz
to 70 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
Options available include SSPB voltage, high
stability (±0.01 ppm), and a variety of connector
and impedance options. |
2016-03 - Downconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 950 - 1525 MHz
to 140 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
Options available include SSPB voltage, high
stability (±0.01 ppm), and a variety of connector
and impedance options. |
2016-04 - Downconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 950 - 2150 MHz
to 140 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
Options available include SSPB voltage, high
stability (±0.01 ppm), and a variety of connector
and impedance options. |
2016-12 - Downconverter, Agile, L-Band
Converts 950 - 2150 MHz
to 70 MHz in 1kHz, 10kHz, or 125kHz steps
(selectable). Includes high stability option
(±0.01 ppm). Powered by a 90-260 VAC power supply
and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2016-25 - Downconverter, Agile, 2.2-2.5 GHz
Converts 2200 - 2500
MHz to 70 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a
90-260 VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU
chassis. |
2016-125 S-band
Downconverter is 1 RU, Agile IF to S-band
frequency converters designed for the satellite,
telemetry, and wireless mobile services
2087 Series - Downconverter, Fixed, L-Band
Converts L-Band
frequencies to IF frequencies. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2087AS Series - Downconverter, Fixed, L-Band, AGC,
Converts L-Band
frequencies to IF frequencies. Includes a
bandwidth determining SAW fliter, and automatic
gain control (AGC). Powered by a 90-260 VAC power
supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2089-17 - Downconverter, Agile, 1.70-1.95 GHz
Converts 1700 - 1950 MHz
to 515 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis.
2089-24 - Downconverter, Agile, 2.0-2.4 GHz
Converts 2000 - 2400 MHz
to 70 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260
VAC power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
2089-24A - Downconverter, Agile, 2.0-2.4 GHz, AGC
Converts 2000 - 2400 MHz
to 70 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Includes automatic
gain control (AGC). Powered by a 90-260 VAC power
supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. |
L to C-band Downconverter is 1 RU L-band to
C-band Block frequency converters designed to
interconnect L-band Modems with C-band satellite
2087-XXX Downconverter, L-Band, Fixed Frequency
Converts 950 - 1525 MHz to 70
or 140 MHz. Powered by a 120 VAC wall mount power
supply and housed in a bench-top chassis. Options
available include rack mounting. |
2083-714A - IF to IF Translator
Converts a 70 or 140 MHz
to 140 or 70 MHz. Powered by a 90-260 VAC
power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. -
70 to 140 MHz IF-to-IF Translator which
also accommodates the translation from ±20
MHz, ±1 dB bandwidth (at 70 MHz) to ±40 MHz,
±1 dB bandwidth (at 140 MHz). |
2017-02 - Up/Downconverter, L-Band
Converts 950 - 2150 MHz
to 70 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps and 70 MHz to 950 -
2150 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260 VAC
power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. Options
available include LNB and SSPB voltage, and a
variety of connector and impedance options. |
2017-03 - Up/Downconverter, L-Band
Converts 950 - 1525 MHz
to 70 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps and 70 MHz to 950 -
1525 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260 VAC
power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. Options
available include LNB and SSPB voltage, and a
variety of connector and impedance options. |
- Up/Downconverter, 950-1525 MHz
Converts 950 - 1525 MHz
to 70 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps and 70 MHz to 950 -
1525 MHz in 1.0 MHz steps. Powered by a 90-260 VAC
power supply and housed in a 1RU chassis. Options
available include LNB and SSPB voltage, and a
variety of connector and impedance options. |