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Satellite Broadband Internet Solutions

The convergence of voice, data and video over IP now make this a cost-effective broadband Internet solution for Enterprise customers worldwide.

Offering direct high-speed communication connections between gateways on the US Internet backbone, and international gateways throughout the world via satellite. In remote locations satellite connections provide local loop and other services.

On-demand satellite networking is a cost-effective alternative for companies that have fluctuating needs for broadband Internet, VPNs and intranet services.

We offer customers on-demand satellite broadband service, an alternative to expensive redundant fixed circuits for broadband network backup.

This service is targeted toward enterprises that have peer-to-peer connectivity needs for remote locations or that need redundant connections to restore service during wide area network outages. Subscribers have access to bandwidth for point-to-point and multicasting IP services based on their monthly usage and data rate requirements.

Broadband Satellite