Satcom Services offers the
choice of a number of manufacturers for Block Upconverters including
TerraSat, AnaCom and Advantech.
Terrasat's new "IBUC"
Intelligent Block Upconverter with advanced features such as a TCP/IP
customer interface with embedded web page, internal AGC, ALC, built-in
diagnostics, and more.
Advantech AMT's line of
converters includes up and down converters that operate in L, C, X and Ku
bands and are available in various frequency bands and are created for
advanced satellite communication. Spurious outputs, amplitude flatness and
phase noise are all optimized. Converters feature a set of Monitor and
Control functions that support powerful local and remote control. This
includes a control of frequency and attenuation and the ability to store
and recall numerous setups.
AnaCom provides Ku-Band
BUCs, L-band IF, up to 50 watts in one enclosure; to 300 watts with two
enclosures. Ku-Band SSPAs, up to 125W P1dB
Mike Termondt
Phone: 1.805.649.1384 - Fax: 1.805.500.4328 -